This week:
Service Dogs
There are several articles here about different types of service dogs. Anything from helping retired service men detect seizures, detecting low blood sugar in diabetics to helping students cope while at school! There sure are some amazing things that dogs do to help us!•Police dogs provide cops with additional capabilities
•Therapy dogs gain in popularity at U.S. campuses
"Checking Out Monty: Yale Law Students can Reduce Stress with Therapy Dog"
"For Law Students with Everything, Dog Therapy for Stress"
•Service dogs provide valuable help for returning veterans
"Service Dogs Warns Veteran of Coming Seizures"
"Service Dogs Provide Comfort for Veterans Back from War"
•Some diabetes sufferers look to dogs for assistance
Veterinary Care During Economic Downturn
The economic downturn has hit people across the U.S. in many different ways. There's unlikely a single person who could say it hasn't impacted them in one way or another. Here are a couple interesting articles on how it has affected people with their pets.•Pets continue to suffer in economic downturn
•Americans are spending more on their pets, despite tough economy
Spring is Here!
•Helping pets cope with allergy season
•AKC expert offers tips to keep dogs from digging
•Spring flowers can prove a potent poison when ingested by pets
"Pet Owners Beware Some Trees and Flowers"
"Veterinarians Caution Pet Owners: Dangers At Easter Time"
"Unleashed: Celebrate Easter, but be wary of dangers to your pets"
"Easter Traditions Not All Pet-Friendly"