Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Animals In The News!

There are so many interesting news stories out there about pets and other animals, veterinary medicine or other animal related topics!  Each week we'll be gathering some stories that might be interesting to you, so keep posted each week for new stories!

This week:

"World's loudest cat:  Hear Smokey purr as loud as a Boeing 737" - This is a fun, short and sweet article with an audio clip.

"Protect Your Pet from Alzheimer's" - Where people can get alzheimer's our dogs can get a similar syndrome called cognitive dysfunction.  As UC Irvine has found out, exercise is not only good for our dog's hearts and waistline, but for their brains!

"Dog Head Size Predicts Strength, Speed" - Several recent studies have found correlation between head size and shape with strength and speed of dogs.  This likely applies to humans and apes as well!

"A Teen's Best Friend?  Kids with Dogs Exercise More" - A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that children and teens in dog-owning families tend to exercise more.

"Dog-Friendly Travel: iPhone Apps for Pets, and more" - This article gives information on some iPhone Apps that can make traveling with pets easier or at least ease the anxiety of separation.

"Popular Exotic Pets in Focus" - Exotic pets are on the rise in homes across America and this article shows some of the more popular exotic pets.